Annual Bioblitz at the Jesse Stuart Nature Preserve!
Jesse Stuart Nature Preserve Trailhead
Public Welcome Family-Friendly Youth Engagement Registration Required Free Event Chapter Meeting Hands-On/How-To Workshop Nature Walk/Hike Free Public Parking Lots of Physical Activity
Join Kyova Tri-state Wild Ones as we gear up for the Kentucky Native Plant Society Wildflower Weekend! During this hike we will use two data collection systems to document trees, groundcover, and understory plant species we find on the trail: EDDMaps for Non-native Invasive Species documentation and iNaturalist for general species documentation and identification. This Botany Blitz hike is one of many across Kentucky in anticipation of KNPS's 36th annual Wildflower Weekend at Carter Caves SRP.
You can view EDDMaps here:
You can view the Kentucky Native Plant Society iNaturalist project here: